Fighting Words NI

Fighting Words NI

About us

“I now feel like I don’t need to wait for opportunities all the time, that I can create my own.” (Teenager, Fighting Words NI participant) 

Since 2015 we’ve been a force for creativity in the rapidly changing society of Northern Ireland, providing free creative writing opportunities to young people aged 6-18. We deliver our programme year-round, and always for free, to help all children and young people tell their own stories, and become creative, successful, resilient shapers of their own lives.  

Through creative learning activities that have evidenced positive outcomes for young people – such as increased confidence and improved communication skills – our aim is that every child and young person can realise their full creative potential and play a role as a responsible citizen, contributing to a thriving society. 

We want to create a world where every child has access to these opportunities and can become their best selves. To do that we rely on the generosity of our volunteers, and of donors like you, so thank you for helping us towards our goal of a creative and thriving society! 

To find out more about the work we do, or to get involved, visit our website: 

Fighting Words NI

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